I just drafted this deck and i'm playing it right now. The draft consists of 4 players over 1800 and only 1 person under 1700, i've never seen so many good players in a 4-3-2-2 before. I want to know what you guys think of the build, especially the green splash. I did it to add some aggression, the curve is very low and I wanted some heavy hitters to keep the tempo fast, plus green gives me great artifact/enchant removal and I snagged one destroy target flying critter card for the sb.
I will edit or reply to my own post with a report as to how it performed. Match 1 I owned 1840 blue white deck with multiples of the untap to tap target critter faerie, went 2-0 on him ^_^
hmmmmm....very interesting.
I really should practice more with skilled opponents...it's a different environment. I liked the way you made what you had work for you.
I've been loathe to build like this before...you're spells are largely cheap, and it makes sense that as the mana curves you can lay a threat and do something each turn, unless it is something game changing like an aethertow (made better because of how the deck is built) or biting tether (or even Puca's mischief...which is a beautiful card).
It looks really consistent, even the mana base seems quite workable, the splash is quite small, and you really don't need green that early. The quest is easy to cast, weens your deck, and makes forest/plains interchangeable. Cool.
Please report on how it did.
I enjoyed your post so far.
Okay, all done ^_^
I won second match vs 1812 with a green red deck featuring kitchen finks and the 5/2 persist trampler. his deck seemed very good, but was too slow both games. Both the blue and the white cohorts really worked amazing, i had no mana problems at all. Easily out-tempo'd this opponent to make it to the finals.
I really wanted to get spawnwrithe going. i had a few removal spells and once he gets started i would imagine he'd be impossible to stop. The one time I got to play him on turn 3 he was burn trailed along with my white cohort on turn four....curse that card.
the last opponent was just unstoppable. he curved out perfectly and 2-0'd me with his red black deck. lots of burn spells, and i didn't have perfect draws. cohorts are bad against burn heavy decks. he ran at least two copies of torture which i thought was odd, but it worked.
so i made it to the finals with the deck but lost to yet another 1800 player =\ I've never had to play only high rated players like that before, i'm thinking about trying out 8-4 drafts next time ^_^
Maybe the little green might have been the tower above instead of syphon maybe just to get the extra edge for the spawnwrithe or just to pick out a creature to kill that will stay untapped once attacking. Other wise nice curve and synergy with hybrid cards.
That's a great deck, I would love to have seen tower above in there somewhere, as it's just a fantastic pump spell, but i can understand mana constraints.
Last night I almost lived the dream with Rhys and Giant Baiting (copy your tokens, you end up with 2 permanent 4/4s)
The other dream I lived:
Seed Cradle Witch turn 1
Spawnwrite turn 3
4 X Spawnwrithe turn 5
drop boartusk liege turn 6.
win on turn 7.
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