1 Orcish Artillery
1 Ghitu Encampment
1 Terramorphic Expanse
1 Bogardan Firefiend
1 Assassinate
1 Phyrexian Rager
1 Grave Pact
1 Spitting Earth
2 Ravenous Rats
1 Festering Goblin
1 Bloodrock Cyclops
1 Essence Drain
1 Shock
1 Viashino Runner
1 Mogg Fanatic
1 Recover
2 Looming Shade
2 Gravedigger
1 Earth Elemental
1 Prodigal Pyromancer
1 Terror
1 Incinerate
6 Mountain
9 Swamp
1 Mind Rot
1 Hill Giant
1 Highway Robber
1 Enormous Baloth
1 Contaminated Bond
1 Demolish
1 Rage Weaver
1 Spined Wurm
1 Sudden Impact
1 Rock Badger
1 Vampire Bats
1 Spineless Thug
1 Dusk Imp
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get my pictures any bigger. Fortunately, Hatter has shown me how to upload my text deck (Thank again hatter :D) so you can read that if you can't make out the cards (which is quite likely).
This draft brought up a lot of interesting questions that I will pose for the clan members to weight in on. First off, I included all playable cards (even marginally playable) in my sideboard with the deck. I am not sure if I had the right build so feel free to give me your opinions. (I am particularly unsure of my choice to play bloodrock cyclops over dusk imp).
Next, I was unsure of how much to focus on the grave pact. I put emphasis on including cards like mogg fanatic in the deck to give grave pact more power but was that the best choice? I don't know.
I also have several card in this deck whose rating I am unsure of. How highly do you guys pick
Mogg Fanatic
Rock Badger (No matter how many times I draft 10th I still have trouble pinning down exactly how good landwalk is)
Grave Pact (Requires heavy black commitment and works slowly but has the potential for massive card advantage)
Demolish (as well as creeping mold, stone rain and other land destruction spells and smash, shatterstorm and other artifact destruction spells. These are two categories of spells I never know how to rate and putting both on one card confuses me even more. In general I am curious about how highly people use different sideboard stragtegies e.g. artifact removal, enchantment removal, landwalk, land destruction etc.)
Ghitu Encampment (and the other manlands, how highly do you guys pick them)
Anyway, how did the deck actually do?
Match 1: I was matched against a relitively inexperienced play with a B/G deck that focused on life gain and big creatures. Unfortunately for me, while the life gain wasn't really dangerous to me (wurm's tooth is not exactly what I would call a bomb) the fatty part was since it ran both nightmare and verderant force.
Game 1: I get an aggresive opening and prevent him from sticking a creature on the board with multiple removal spells, an easy victory
Game 2: I get a pretty slow hand and am unable to kill him before he gets verderant force out. I don't draw a response in time and he takes the game
Game 3: I am forced to double mulligan on the play. However, the game seems in reach when he turns out to be land flooded and I get out pyromancer and artillery. He essense drain my artillary but I drop rats and firefiend and build up a defense. The game is at a standoff for a few turns but then he drop a 5/5 nightmare. I draw a third swamp and drop gravepact but I am a turn too slow to force the nightmare's sacrifice.
A disappointing ended to a deck that I consider quite good but you can't win 'em all. In retrospect I wonder if I should have sideborded for more speed an evasion in games 2 and 3, perhaps dusk imp. Tell me what you think, come on, inquiring mind want to know.
1 comment:
Well, against your green black opponent I would have sided in the imp because they generally don't have much for defense against flying.
Land destruct I never take in tenth edition - creature removal generally does the job against man-lands and it's only occasionally useful other than that, pretty much only if they aren't drawing any lands to begin with.
Artifact and enchantment hate varies - I really like the 2/2 white flier that pops and enchantment and also naturalize, but other than those I only take enchantment and artifact hate very late.
I like your deck a lot though, it's a shame it didn't get anywhere :(
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