SHM Draft, June 23, 2008, Monoblack, saved, result: win.
This wasn't an easy draft. I was granted no monoblack bombs from the outset in pack 1, was passed no great joys. I was having difficulty with my place in the world...
1 Sootstoke Kindler
1 Beseech the Queen
2 Merrow Grimeblotter
1 Gravelgill Axeshark
1 Helm of the Ghastlord
1 Loch Korrigan
1 Corrupt
17 Swamp
1 Faerie Macabre
1 Cultbrand Cinder
2 Wingrattle Scarecrow
2 Smolder Initiate
1 Wasp Lancer
1 Incremental Blight
1 Scar
2 Aphotic Wisps
1 Gravelgill Duo
1 Sickle Ripper
1 Ashenmoor Gouger
1 Crowd of Cinders
1 Tattermunge Duo
1 Slinking Giant
1 Disturbing Plot
1 Plumeveil
1 Helm of the Ghastlord
1 Twilight Shepherd
1 Goldenglow Moth
1 Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers
1 Kithkin Shielddare
1 Mine Excavation
2 Ashenmoor Cohort
1 Watchwing Scarecrow
1 Scarscale Ritual
1 Æthertow
1 Mudbrawler Cohort
1 Crimson Wisps
1 Niveous Wisps
1 Oona's Gatewarden
1 Put Away
1 Spell Syphon
1 Last Breath
...I passed a third turn corrupt...and when i got passed another one and a bit of other black, I began at least toying with the idea of getting into black..figuring if that first one came back around the time was quite ripe for it. I ended up with a really late crowd of cinders first pack and maybe a faerie macabre...but I was still hedging my bets a bit. The second corrupt never tabled. First pick 2nd pack I actually went with the twilight shepherd...thinking, hey...who knows...my black isn't solid by any means yet. White was not beyond possibility especially if I could back this bomb up with some other good support. But then the solid black three drops started coming, and I grabbed them and began to commit. The blight came to me first pick third pack...and it was a good thing too. As monoblack goes this was not exactly a shiny example of love. I also managed to get a beseech the queen third pack, which makes that corrupt/blight so much better. Dig for the corrupt or blight to win. I won't go too much into the play by play this time, but I will make some comments, as it was an interesting series of games, and the path to victory was often times quite interesting...
2 Aphotic Wisps! You know, this thing saved my butt in a game winning way several times in the course of the 3 matches. One was a beautiful kill on a really scary shield of the oversouled creature, one was getting my loch through for a surprise 9 damage kill in a very tight game. With 2 wisps I was able to just get in there several times when I otherwise wouldn't...and still keep myself drawing cards looking for my kill switches.
I sided out 1 grimeblotter pretty much every game for the gatewarden...just ended up being better in so many ways. Shoulda maindecked her.
Didn't use the helm once. Just didn't happen. Was really only in my hand once the entire 3 matches.
Intiates are so good in monoblack. Getting them out turn 1 is just nasty. If your opponent is in black, they are even better...Which is good, because it helps make up a bit from the lack of fear factor...
I'm really looking forward to the review game feature being re-instated. There were a lot of plays that would be interesting to go over. There were a couple of games that really could have gone either way.
Anyway, I thought it was a pretty good result from a monoblack deck I just sort of stumbled into without being wacked in the head right away with some crazy black cards.
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