RU Rogues? June 2, 2008 Result: Draft won.
8 Mountain
9 Island
1 Inspired Sprite
1 Notorious Throng
1 Nevermaker
1 Boldwyr Heavyweights
1 Lightning Crafter
3 Fire Juggler
2 Mothdust Changeling
3 Shard Volley
1 Latchkey Faerie
2 Latchkey Faerie
2 Dewdrop Spy
1 Thieves' Fortune
3 Sage's Dousing
1 Countryside Crusher
I know rogues is UB...yayaya...and I started that way. But I wasn't really getting much in the way of black 1st pack, i managed a bit of removal, and like 1 creature, but nothing too lovely, and people were passing some nice red 1st pack, although i ignored it. 2nd pack I was passed lightning crafter and spite bellows in the same pack and decided that guy at least wasn't in red and maybe it was time for a change. I was rewarded with enough removal to make the difference... (third pack brought more red) and I was anxious to try out the crusher. The heavyweights are a bit odd, and I figured I'd at least use them and report on their effectiveness. 3 lightning bolts and one guy that taps for lightning bolts. Sometimes you just gotta go with da burn and bump.
1st match: Noxemount 1619 playing mono white
First game went really, really well. I had threats and removed his. Second game, I was in trouble deep, he had a good early lead on me and reduced me to 3 before I could stabilize. I began amassing a flying army, and won the game with full style points ala a prowled notorious throng...such a tasty way to win. Thieves fortune helped a lot 2nd game getting me what i needed when i needed it. Heavyweights never entered the picture except once as one of the cards i didn't pick in a Thieves' Fortune and once as something I discarded to the inspired sprite.
2nd match: Demonic Attorney, 1552 playing UG
First game was tough, mulled twice into an unpretty hand and scooped after my opponent laid a nice curve out while i searched for a third land. Second game, deck obeyed me and played as it should, ended with a prowled notorious throng, again. Third game was a nice close game.
3rd Match: Captain America, 1739 playing GR
First game, I was terrified to cast it but I won it on the back of the heavyweights. He threw down beaters, I needed time, so I cast the heavyweights and he fetched a spite bellows. I was able to amass a standing army and airforce, and eventually prowl the notorious throng for the win, his land army stalled in the midst of my mighty 8/8. 2nd game, he threw down an early winnower patrol, put a counter on it, then smelled my dousing from the other side of the table and waited the extra turn to cast he paragon he revealed with it the clever bastard. I burned the patrol, cast a juggler then followed it up with the crafter. I guess he didn't have any removal, because he scooped right there.
So, heavy weights I'm still of mixed feelings about. I was terrified much of the time to cast them, but sometimes a big ole body is what you need, and they have to pull something mighty crazy, or you have to be in a position where you're low on life and the wrong kind of evasion could be svg. They really did save my butt that first game in the finals though. I would have loved a bit of bounce in the deck to make it a little less scary, but I didn't have any. By the way love the crusher especially with 3 shard volleys! Svg man. He never got real big for me, but was an efficient body that ensured my draws were nice a few times.
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