This deck won most of it's games and won the draft.
River's Grasp is a complete blowout if you are playing UB. It's basically tempo stopper, removal, thoughtseize and bounce all in one go.
It's 1st pickable material
Cards of note:
Sygg: Either they blow their burn trail on him (in which you just traded a two drop) or from turn 3 or 4 onwards you get to draw 2 cards a turn.
Wingrattle Scarecrow: 2/2 flying persist for 3 colourless, is fantastic, don't let it table, because it won't.
I'm not sure fear is that useful as evasion in this format due to the huge number of artifact creatures and hybrids.
Nicely done. I agree about fear and especiall gravegill duo in BU...I hate that card. Between its 1 toughness butt and fear not being all that, I'd much rather have something else in it's place...
River's grasp is quite lovely.
The 3 cc scarecroft UB is my favourite of the bunch. 3 drop heaven...beats gravegill hands down.
I think duo has its place if you are pure BU... but even then its weak, and is a 20-23rd card.
I feel that the most i get into my SHM groove, the more I'm picking critters over enchants, in drafts where I've picked enchants or 'bling' over strong two, three drops I would find i didn't have enough creatures and would have a swingy deck.
If I do get the enchant on and they have no removal its GG, but otherwise I would just get swarmed. So now i almost have a minimum of creatures arond 11-12 and I like to have 16 or more.
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