Very weird deck. Very weird. I started blue with the first pick u/b liege. Then i was swaying blue white, but soooo much green was coming to me from all directions. I started taking green but didn't have enough to just toss the blue aside. Anyways, it managed to beat my 1900 rated first opponent (I'm between matches now)
Stars: Sygg - amazing for two mana
Devoted druid. he let me power out a turn three 5/5 (crabapple cohort) and gave me a turn 5 Grimm Poppet, who is also a star, lemme tell you. So basically, when i got a turn two devoted druid, i won the game. it's a great card.
I'm really not too confident in the deck, but we'll see how the next two round turn out. I still won two packs and a ten dollar land, so I'm happy =)
I love drafting with inflated pricing. This is my 3rd draft and each one I've gotten a ten dollar rare =)
well, spectral procession turn 3 and mirrorweave (i think thats what it's called) turn four or five just sucks. as soon as i get a fatty out he mirrored it both two games. i was absolutely destroyed.
Just wanted to thank you for posting, it really is helpful. Particularly with a new set. I'll start posting a bit this weekend again.
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