1 Indomitable Ancients
1 Spitebellows
4 Sunflare Shaman
1 Coordinated Barrage
1 Swell of Courage
1 Brighthearth Banneret
2 War-Spike Changeling
1 Thornbite Staff
2 Rage Forger
1 Order of the Golden Cricket
1 Pyroclast Consul
4 Burrenton Bombardier
8 Plains
9 Mountain
2 Daily Regimen
1 Shard Volley
RW MMM Draft, June 1, 2008 Result: Won the draft (finally!)
Match 1: Opponent playing a mono green deck with some potent treefolk shannanigans going on. Unstoppable oak rolled over 1 game, and almost won him the third game (i had mulled into a one spell hand which didn't help) but loads of +1+1 counters won the day.
Match 2: Deck did what it was supposed to do. Now I'm thinking I mixing up these 2 matches, ah well. 2nd match i won in two. Opponent had a good deck and a 1700+ rating but also had a first game marked by severe mana difficulties.
Match 3: Played against an opponent who said he was somewhat lucky to get to the finals. We played two quick games, this deck was really cruising. I got to use shaman equip tricks. Fun. Doodle was right about the rage forgers, they are crazy, especially with re-enforce out the wazoo. Sunflares also worked a lot better with the re-enforcement. The +1/+1's really won the day.
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