First match: The opponent was using a Blue/White deck and had Swans for both games that I couldn't kill and when the opponent enchanted it with a Godhead it was gg. However I did get the opponent down to less than 5 life in both games.
Results: 0-2
Second Match: The opponent disconnected and never connected. :P
Results: 2-0
Third Match: I was mana-screwed both games.
Results: 0-2
Forth Match: The opponent didn't respond for 10 minutes and was eliminated. T_T;;
Results: 2-0
Fifth Match: Finished my 5th match, sadly it was a really close game. My opponent was at 2 life and I was at 10 but a perfectly timed Firespout destroyed me. It was a lot of fun though.
Result: 0-2
Also thanks goto Hatter for giving me great deck building advice.
The final deck I used with Hatter's advice was like this:
It was interesting watching how you kept changing that sealed build through the matches during sideboard. I think that's really a positive thing to do, especially when it's not going well to decide what changes could be made, re-evaluate cards, etc... It's how we get better. You're comment on the firespout is interesting, well timed firespouts and such are what the format of sealed is really all about. A card like that with major card advantage built in is so much better when you build it into your how will you win plan...set the opponent up and wait for maximum effect. Most decks don't win from tempo alone in sealed like in draft...there's more of a budgeting of resources. Using your removal on the correct threats. Anticipating when your opponent will do the same, and trying to draw fire on minor threats before you lay down your major ones. I think the reason for the disparity between draft results and sealed is that the play itself is so much different and its so very dependent on good play in a setting where the type of play required is very different from what a lot of us are used to.
It's interesting, you build different and you play different than draft...if you don't you end up losing. I find myself making "draft" decisions in sealed and losing because of it. I also lose a lot because I don't do enough figuring out what my opponent is trying to set me into. I hate it when I walk into an incremental blight the second game after I've seen it in the first...You know, you have to crits out and play the third to put additional pressure on...then zap. It's not nearly as luck dependent as people think...All things being equal, of course its more luck dependent, but the fact of the matter is...all things aren't equal in sealed, and in my opinion very few people play sealed really well. I'm not one of them yet, but I'm trying to learn.
Also, try posting your cardpool in text, it makes it easier to comment on. Just open the deck in the deck editor (default location-->tournament decks-->find the date) the save it somewhere easy to find as a text deck (don't forget to change it from local text to local text deck). Then open in notepad or word, then copy and paste. I find wordwrap being on makes the copy/paste go smoother. There's also an issue I believe copying from notepad to explorer (I think) [I usually use Opera or Firefox] so in that case you may want to open it using word or something similar.
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