That first image is turn 5. Turn 5.
That's what you get with a turn 2 Pili-Pala, turn 3 Presence of Gond.
I don't generally play giant baiting in my deck, however in this one, tapping two creatures is not a problem. I actually won that match with a conspired giant bait with his creatures tapped out.
I lost round 2 to some unfortunate mulligans (mulliganed twice first game and second game) and a very aggressive opponent who ended up winning the draft.
Overall I'm very happy with this build, I was lucky to already be in RG when i noticed the Gun cards floating around.
Next time round I'll share a more conventional finals round draft deck, that didn't win by being an overpowered deck, but by actually making the right decisions during play.
That's really cool. This is what I love about a new set :)
Outstanding post. Great use of undervalued cards, exactly the kind of thing we ought to be sharing.
Any which way you can get fire power of gond on an untapper (pila-pala, safehold sentry, silkbound fairie, etc.) is going to get you as far as the opponents creature removal and/or other tricks to get rid of it the enchantment or creature (bounce, gnarled staff, etc.)
I probably went gun a little too late (~pick 6 pack 2)
The Gun is 'ok' and won't go 3-0 in a draft if you are in RG. The issue is the gun needs to be setup. That means two things:
Card Draw
That also means UR/UG becomes the best colours to go for.
U - puresight merrow helps you fix cards, silkbind faerie helps you tap down your opponent, merrow grimeblotters is 'removal,'parapet watches is stall.
Also it lets you draft ALL the annoying non-outright removal bounce that will keep you in the game.
Aethertow is useless against you. There is nothing more backbreaking than having a close game lethal damage attack be double bounced timewalked.
W - safehold sentry is definitely stall, but 3 mana is a little harsh to be using. I would avoid W.
R - rustrazor butcher (any witherer) and be useful early game to reduce incoming damage. most people are unlikely to attack into a 1/2 first striker, and if you chump, it stings.
Stick power of fire on this little dude early (or oona's gatewarden) and you pretty much have around 3-4 main phases to do what you like.
What aazipzop said about set-up is crucial. A lot of things about this game (and this is ESPECIALLY crucial in sealed) are setting plays up and building your deck accordingly to make that possible. Draft is a harsher crucible, there is often more removal and more tempo pressure. That doesn't mean certain things can't be set up. There are times when holding back a critical creature is the game winning play while you bait out removal from your opponent. That's why I love this game, there are so many tensions between different conflicting means to victory. Plus there's a different spin on every format. Some sealed and draft environments have been more tempo driven than others.
The aura phobia is a considerable point, by auras are also designed to be quite useful right now, and they do pack a good incentive to play them. This post highlights one interesting use of this. All of them are best played CAREFULLY...except maybe the red/green smashface one...then you just swing and treat it like direct damage when your opp's tapped out.
I played a deck that played around with this concept today, and lost in the first round, but partially because it just wasn't built quite so well and with the same focus. I think I forced it a bit after reading this post to be honest. I think it's also a hellava idea for sealed, and an nice "extra" to throw in. Power of fire is not a poor card by any stretch, combined with wither and untap...get in there!
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