Monday, July 7, 2008

Sluishie III?

1 Inkfathom Witch
1 Helm of the Ghastlord
1 Faerie Swarm
1 Kinscaer Harpoonist
1 Zealous Guardian
2 Gravelgill Axeshark
1 Silkbind Faerie
13 Island
2 Leechridden Swamp
2 Somnomancer
1 Biting Tether
1 Oona, Queen of the Fae
2 Swamp
2 Drowner Initiate
1 Steel of the Godhead
2 Memory Sluice
1 Barrenton Cragtreads
1 Watchwing Scarecrow
2 Gravelgill Duo
1 Puresight Merrow
1 Oona's Gatewarden
1 Briarberry Cohort

1 Sootstoke Kindler
2 Disturbing Plot
1 Sootwalkers
1 Ghastly Discovery
1 Corrupt1 Swamp
1 Repel Intruders
1 Sinking Feeling
1 Strip Bare
1 Gloomlance
1 Toil to Renown
1 Scarscale Ritual
1 Torpor Dust
1 Puncture Bolt
1 Scrapbasket
1 Deepchannel Mentor
1 Murderous Redcap
1 Poison the Well
1 Spell Syphon

(yes 41 cards, 40 was good but 16 land scared me a little so another island went in swamps and 2 leechriddens seemed to be a good test whether it helped the long stalemates)

Round 1: opp. dagavnor 1732 UW

Game 1:Game end up not drawing a sluice at all, but managed a few attacks turn 4 and 5 with helmed gravelgill duo until it gets consigned. Got initiate late and got his deck down to 10 by the end when oona hit the board turn 11 and he conceded. He didn't help himself by playing blue spells to help aid my mill.

Game 2: initiate out turn 1, turn 2 oona's gatewarden (mill plumeveil away :) his turn 3 last beath the initiate, good move on his part since I get sluice turn 5. It turns into a flight fest with no one attacking. He's got 2 cohorts, mistmeadow witch, and cem. puca mainly. I've got a fat swarm, gatekeeper, cohorts, and 2 gravelgill's and ferw others waiting out the turns or another initiate or sluice. Worried not too much about witch tricks since he's yet to reach 8 lands (7 on turn 11). I draw oona, no counter and again concession.

I am seeing that this deck takes away a lot of cards that may be good or might be bombs (lands are good to mill early too if get them mana screwed that way, but it still counts as a card later on also). There usually isn't a rush for the sluice to be played. I held out 3 turns to get all critters on board enough to defend myself while I tapped 2 of them (with thankfully not up to 2 a turn).

Round 2: opp. spellstopper 1617 WG

Game 1: He starts quick with t3 ballynock and t4 rune-cervin rider. I stablize t4 with barrencrag and t5 gravegill axegrinder followed by swarm t6 (4/4). Then he pull a painters servent for green, slaps a shield of oversoul on balllyknock. Can't combat that once he turnder to mist my swarm (only flyer).

Game 2: Found out he was playing WG (after seeing all plains and W cards game 1). He mulls once, I get t1 initiate and go to work. t4 mill painter servant thankfully. Wainting with oona in hand and to draw a sluice hopefuly to make it quick before he cranks out the fliers. I trade my sommomancer for his hexhunter to get out the torpor dust on ballyknock Got enough land (including 2 leechriddens on board with gatewarden and duo) to mill with each cast.

He mists his ballyknock and hes sitting 7 life 15 in library and I top biting teeth for his ballyknock. Have been noticing swamps being milled and he finally gets one for his urchin. Too late for him. Drawing cards isn't going to help him. Oona hits and he plays it out concedes at 1 in library and 4 life.

Seems his aggro deck or nothing so far with not too many bombs in the graveyard, but still a solid under t7 kill deck.

Game 3: I start with a mull. He seems to have gone WB and gets me down to 12 before i can stabilize. He shields his hexxhunter and recklessly attacking all out gave me a chance a few times to get rid of his black critters to hopefully get my helm out on gravelgill in hand, but cast scuttlemutt after attack :( Soon after he pumps out more critters than me and I am overrun. No milling (or oona) usually means no win almost it seems this round.

Anyone know what else could be tweaked or added? This build I think would work 7 out of 10 times unless your against an aggro deck and can't stabilize. Let me know what you guys think.

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