Monday, July 21, 2008

URW SHM Draft, now you see it...

I thought I'd post something, as it has been a while.  I just finished an interesting little draft...

"Now you see it..."

1 Elvish Hexhunter
1 Safehold Elite
1 Merrow Grimeblotter
1 Turn to Mist
2 Turn to Mist (3 total, one was foil...that's why it listed it this way)
2 Parapet Watchers
1 Mistmeadow Witch
1 Briarberry Cohort
1 Silkbind Faerie
1 Kinscaer Harpoonist
6 Island
5 Plains
1 Merrow Wavebreakers
1 Furystoke Giant
6 Mountain
1 Mercy Killing
1 Kulrath Knight
1 Puca's Mischief
1 Thistledown Duo
1 Puncture Bolt
1 Scuttlemutt
1 Leech Bonder
1 Somnomancer
1 Oona's Gatewarden

So this one came out pretty nice, and was a lot of fun to play.  So many cards worked well together.  I picked up a really late Puca's Mischief pack 1, and opened a furystroke pack 2.  I really tried to play these two cards up as much as I could.  Thus, I played 3 turn to mist and managed to get a mistmeadow  witch.  Most games turned into Puca's Mischief "in and out" or Furystroke "in and out".  Turn to mist is such a nice card on its own, but it is fairly broken with puca or furystroke, having both just gave a really nice consistency.  From there I tried to keep it really simple, played a lot of creatures with a minimum of other spells beyond the mists.  I had 2 puncture bolts, but only played one, and I also put up mercy can really be nice with Furystroke, either as a way to "bounce" the fury stroke...or just to set up more creatures eot for an upcoming furystroke, or in a pinch to get rid of something really annoying on the other side of the board.  The support creatures weren't ideal...but they did the job.  I'm sure I was giving some odd signals left and right drafting 3 colours as evenly as I did.  Manabase wasn't too bad.  I had a few mulligans because of it, but it worked out.  The read isn't really needed until late game, but unfortunately you need 2 mtns for 2 out of 3 of the spells so I needed to play it as a major colour.  The blue was definitely a bit more important than the white, hence the 6-6-5 breakdown.

Match 1 was a lot of fun.  He was playing UW, and had a godhead of awe, which really mixed things up a bit.  The first game he had me pretty low, and then I stablized with a Puca's mischief and a mistmeadow witch.  It was difficult, as he had the godhead and I had no way to steal it...but I eventually got enough blockers to settle the situation down.  Second game he had the godhead again nice and early and set it up with a steel of the godhead (good enough place as any to put it), but i misted it...beefing up my thistledown duo and making him flying so I could block and kill his other flyer...and then I mercy killed the duo before the godhead came back as I had furystroke ready.  From there I had Mistmeadow and proceeded to blink the furystroke as many times as needed keeping 4 mana open to protect the combo.

Match 2 was against a WG deck, and the turn to mists tended to be great on their own since he was playing 2 copies of the WG aura.  1 game I believe was a puca, the other a furystroke.

Match 3 was against an excellent player playing RG.  The first game wasn't very combo stuff.  The turn to mist just ended up giving me the tricky edge I needed to outrace him with flyers...but it was down to the wire and there were some interesting plays.  I really enjoyed that first game.  Game 2 I stood up to the intial fury, and set up puca/mistmeadow which he attempted to disrupt with that cinder that lays the -1-1, but I had the turn to mist to save it with and he scooped.

So if you ever pick up a Puca or a Furystroke...aggressively go after those blinkers....It's a lot of fun.

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