I started out picking white cards in this draft (When don't I?) but U/W was not being pitched my way at all. So, second pack i opened a Howl (Which I took over a spawnwrithe, good call or bad?) got passed a tower from above AND the 3/3 haste with wither and I started thinking about mono green, which I ended up running, splashing only for the witch.
I'm kind of worried about the lack of removal (Tower from above is the only card, and that's not "really" removal, and one destroy target flier in the board). So far it hasn't been a problem. (I'm waiting for final match at the moment)
Match one: Opponent is B/u (Bad option in my opinion, unless you're passed enough bomby uncommons) He doesn't know the game too well yet, under a 1600 rating, easily beat him in two games.
Match two: Opponent is 1831, also playing G/R. First game he doen't get to play a single spell (Mana screw) Second game he turn 2's a devoted druid but only puts out a second druid with it, and a hungry spriggan. I kept a hand with nothing until turn 4 (My mana curve SUCKS) and drop a wildslayer elves (3/3 wither guy) which holds off his turn 4 oversoul of the dusk (scary.) He doesn't want to attack into wither and lets me hold out long enough to drop a morsal hoarder and attach a ruins of the deus to it. i didn't know how double strike with trample worked vs the oversoul - my 8/6 deals 5 damage to the oversoul, and 3 trample to the opponent, then 5 to the oversoul and 3 to the opponent again. good to be cleared up. i still easily won after my slow start.
other than the mana curve and lack of removal, this deck seems pretty good. i ran 18 lands, which i hardly ever do, to try to accomodate for my fat curve (and I didn't get a single devoted druid)
I thought I'd give the initiates a try - they're surprisingly quite nice when extra mana is around. turning a wildslayer elves into a 4/4 means it can take on just about any creature in the set quite easily.
well, i lost match three 0-2.
playing against mono red, 1830 opponent again.
game one i had a good start, but the red critter that gave every other red critter he controlled first strike just KILLED me.
Game two i mulled to six and got beat up by a pyre charger (didn't drop a creature til turn 4) Then they dropped a kulrath knight and finished me off in the air.
it was a very fast, very good deck. said he had two PoF (which i believe, he had two pila palas in play) also, hard to beat opponent
In retrospect I like the howl better, but you weren't committed to monogreen yet...Spawnwrither is pretty good, and sends the message when you pass it that you aren't in green. Passing howl just means you aren't monogreen. If no one else is either, it might even table. Now once your committed to mono green...I say go ahead and pick the howl.
I recently played intiates as well, in a far worse deck, but I have to say, what you said about them is quite true. If you have enough activators, they really do mess with combat. Combined with wither they really do shine.
What ultimately killed you was the lack of removal and first strike (related problem). I've also had recent issues with non-traditional removal...they work very well unless your opponent has little threats like that that wreck you. Sort of one of the things I guess we should start building in as best we can...how is the deck going to win...and how will it fight...this threat, or this threat...interesting to think about in anycase...
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