Thursday, May 15, 2008

Other Stuff

If anyone is interested in picking up a game of Momir Basic sometime, just let me know if I'm online.

My supply of cards isn't too extensive, so I'm not really fielding any other format decks at the moment.  If you're into something, I might make the effort to put something together, but cheaper is better.  These days I usually just sell most of what I take from drafts off and feed the cycle.

Speaking of which, anyone have any advice for getting a good rate on selling draft rares/uncommons off?

Also:  Yes the zero packs won in the clan screen is some kind of bug.  It's okay, it's not like we're in major contention for the top any time soon.


dragoonkongol said...

dragoonkongol- My rating sucks, im not saying im much better than it says, but i do win drafts sometimes. I do draft alot as well, any sets. i have a ton of cards, especially newer commons and uncommons i need to get rid of so come to me first to trade if you need any cards. im on alot, so message me for any format.

Hatter said...

Dragoon, what kind of drafts do you typically enter?

dragoonkongol said...

i draft everything, i was drafting almost daily until the v3 downtime. ive been doing alot of 10-10-10 and mmm lately though