XXX Draft RG, May 22, 2008 result: Eliminated in the finals.
3 Spitting Earth
1 Spined Wurm
1 Rampant Growth
1 Canopy Spider
1 Might Weaver
1 Rootwalla
1 Guerrilla Tactics
1 Shock
1 Overrun
1 Incinerate
8 Forest
1 Raging Goblin
2 Prodigal Pyromancer
2 Bloodrock Cyclops
1 Bloodfire Colossus
1 Viashino Runner
9 Mountain
1 Rock Badger
1 Uncontrollable Anger
2 Giant Spider
Match 1: Jon_Ma, 1705 GUb
Mulled on the draw. Nice and close first game, i think if I had played just a shade tighter 1 turn (I waited a turn to cast my collossus, wanting to have 9 so I could sac it right away in case he had removal also it would discourage an outright attack by him for an extra bit of damage...but i neglected to factor in that mirri he just cast had forestwalk. Derf. I might have been able to win it (would have been at i suppose 4 instead of 2, but i suppose that's still lethal to a rootwalla...still i would have hit him an extra turn with the cyclops...so yeah i blew it.) , but he played the better game and beat me after a close first game. It ended with an interesting play, I was at 2 after a colossus went off, and had cyclops hit him...he was able to get a rootwalla out with the mana to use it, i had overrun and guerilla tactics in play. So I cast overrun to see if he'd take the bait...i think he hemmed and hawwed, but in the end made the right decision. Game 2 mulled again, I hit him hard from the start, got him down to 10, kept him on the defensive until I was able to bring him to zero. Game 3 started with a nice hand, I brought in 3 threats, he brought out 3 removals. I managed to get him down eventually to around 12, and we stabilized a bit. The colossus changed things, i was able to keep attacking and he had to keep blocking poorly.
Match 2: 1600 WUbr Featuring: Blaze and Wrath of God. I'm not sure what the black was for aside from two unholy strengths i saw game 2 though. Kinda wild. We played two fairly quick games.
Match 3: LtDale, 1590. BW. Game 1 goes well, I hurt him early, and fill in the gaps at the end.
Game 2 starts, after a pause to welcome our newest clan member, sakic19. I stall ou

I tried recording the draft with jing, but got caught up in the 5 minute limit. (only got as far as the first pack really) I can see I'll have to do it next time using the pause button a bit more. I'm gonna try to get a draft recorded and put up here at some point. If someone else can get a draft recorded and posted that would be terrific.
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