---20 Critters---
2x Llanowar Elves
2x Canopy Spider
Grizley Bears
Rushwood Dryad
Civic Wayfinder
2x Pincher Beatles
2x Rootwalla
Viridian Shaman
2x Giant Spider
2x Stalking Tiger
Stampeding Wildabeasts
Kavu Climber
2x Spined Wurm
---3 Spells---
2x Overrun
---17 Forests---
Round 1: Opponent ran R/W/B randomness - I easily found an overrun and won two games without having to worry about a third
Round 2: Washku is my opponent: 1797 rating. R/W aggro, lots of cheap efficiant critters. I lost one game to mana screw and won a different game very easily with good tempo and an overrun. Game three was VERY close - he had a 7/7 Bloodrock Cyclopse (Had two arcane teachings on it) and I was at two life - he pinged my dome instead of my llanowar elf and allowed me to overrun for exactly lethal damage =)
Round 3: Opponent was 1677, had a fast G/R deck. I get mana screwed for a loss game one, he gets mana screwed for a win game 2. My openning hand has Overrun game three and it goes on to win the match. Four packs won ^_^
Sounds likes a good draft with some exciting games. That deck is crazy with all the 2 of's. Well done.
I would like to say that I don't normally think a deck like this is a good idea - you should always have some way to deal with threats. Either with kill or bounce or pacifism or SOMETHING - and mono green has absolutely nothing.
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