XXX Draft UB, May 24, 2008, result: Elimination in finals.
1 Mind Rot
1 Aven Fisher
1 Essence Drain
2 Ravenous Rats
2 Gravedigger
1 Remove Soul
1 Dusk Imp
1 Phantom Warrior
1 Persuasion
2 Severed Legion
1 Spiketail Hatchling
9 Island
1 Spineless Thug
1 Leonin Scimitar
1 Mass of Ghouls
2 Boomerang
8 Swamp
2 Unsummon
1 Terror
1 Aven Windreader
1st match: Opponent was a bit inexperienced, playing a RW deck that didn't seem to get going. The GW deck played really well. Spiketail hatchling on turn 2 is really good, it happened both games and made a significant difference. Winning relatively fast gave me time between matches to post the last draft and get this one started.
2nd match: 1493, RG featuring kamahl. I mull into a barely passable hand with a lot of land. He hits me early as I put defense here and there. Kamahl finishes the deal. I win the next 2 without much trouble.
3rd match: deedubs, 1738 playing WB. Played 3 good games. However, I lost game 1 due to a misplay on my part. Simple not equipping an attacker with the sword for 1 turn when I should have would have won me the game and the draft as it turns out (he was at 1 when he won). Little things matter. Game 3 serra's embrace came back from my last draft to haunt me and I was pummeled in the end by a 7/5 vigilant, flying, juggernaut of fury and doom. Let that be a lesson: No topdeck glory goes without consequence!
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