Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WB May 21, 2008

WB Draft, May 21, 2008, result:  Eliminated in the finals.

Hey, I drafted 2 colours!

2 Loxodon Mystic
1 Wall of Swords
2 Gravedigger
2 Dusk Imp
1 Aura of Silence
1 Treasure Hunter
1 Phyrexian Rager
1 Ravenous Rats
1 Looming Shade
2 Steadfast Guard
1 Mind Stone
1 Severed Legion
1 Warrior's Honor
9 Plains
1 Ballista Squad
8 Swamp
2 Condemn
1 Pacifism
1 Venerable Monk
1 Terror

First round I won to some poor kid that didn't submit successfully.  So no real victory there.

This is the first draft I'm posting and playing at the same time.  I begin to write this in the considerable distance between round 1 and 2.   I suppose the deck is okay, but I'm not too zonked about it.  Wish I had committed to black a bit earlier.  I was orginally going WG with a possible blue or black splash, but green dried up.  Never fun when that happens.  Green is a bad colour to suddenly lose.  I'm worried this deck will lose gas late game.  We'll see.  As you can see I ran out of playables...or at least close enough to run aura of silence maindeck...which may not be horrible considering how I lost my last draft :)

2nd round opponent 1720 named Squest.  He had an unfortunate first game, I think he drew nearly every land in his deck, and we played a nice close 2nd game.  Squest then showed interest in the clan, and so we have our newest member!  Welcome Squest!

3rd round opponent, 1807, The_Anti_Body, .  First game went well, he showed some well placed removal and some impressive threats, including an icy.  I was glad of two things.  One, that I had played that aura of silence, and two, that I had drawn it immediately after the icy was played.  Ballista made long-lasting by 2 gravediggers saved the day in the end.  In the next game, i took some early damage and stabilized, but he lulled me in and I walked into it with a misplay that either cost me the game or made it happen a lot sooner.  Basically I used my ballista when I shouldn't have, ignoring the icy on the board that allowed him to hit me with a flyer he otherwise wouldn't have gotten through with.  Putting me in range of his beacon of destruction!  3rd game...i mull down to 5, not a great start...but then begin drawing a nice curve.  I ran out of gas quickly as he showed off solid play, a cone, and an answer to my pacifism.   He played better than me, with a better deck I'd say, and won.  It was a lot of fun, and he's a nice guy.

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