And here's one more blue black deck from me. It lost first round to a very good green white red deck with an excellent pilot. He had land search with wayfinders (at least two) and rampant growth, lots of red burn, and pacifisms and ghost wardens with the white. I liked his build a lot. Game two I managed to get rolling with my deck and managed a win but the last game I double mull'd into a one land hand which i kept cause of terror and counsel. I managed to get every land drop up until four but he still had me dead turn six thanks to the 4/3 hasting giant :( Losing first round is no fun.
As for my deck - it wasn't the best. I should have run green black and played fast critters with all of the kill and some fat critters to finish it up. All of the green I picked was hated when there was nothing left blue or black worth running, so I obviously passed quite a bit of good stuff while taking the blue :( Oh well, live and learn.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting, I'm going to make an effort to post more specifics on what my opponents are playing. I found your comments (over the past few posts)helpful in that regard.
Go BU!
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