Monday, November 17, 2008
Clan Check.
I miss everyone :(
Where's hatter?
Everyone who's interested in preserving our clan post a reply please =)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
First Shards Draft

First Opponent: Played red, black, blue, and white. He beat me the first game because he had the mythic Prince of Thralls demon, and two heralds to look for it. He got it into play for free. He had 2 Blood Cultists, which were rediculous in play together. A Bull Cerodon was hard to beat, especially after Oblivion Ring removed my biggest creature, but my burn won in the end.
Second Opponent: Red, Black, and Green, but got mana screwed and conceded quicly both games. His best cards were Sprouting Thrinax, Branching Bolt, and Rhox Charger.
Third Opponent: Blue, White, and Green. He had a Bant deck, featuring Rafiq of Many, an indestructible 5/5, and a lot of creatures. We were 1:1 going into game 3, but yet again, burn won for me in the end.
This is an extremely fun set to draft, and I wish you all the best of luck. I hope to see more Shards posts for some new ideas!
Friday, August 22, 2008
First EEE draft

Thursday, August 21, 2008
hey guys
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Can someone help me a bit? ^^

I'm having an off line tournament with some of my friends and I have to make a deck of 40 cards. We bought some boosters and after each round we open a new booster and so on. Can someone help me with making a good deck? I saved all card list in the MTGO .dek format for easy editing.
The link is
The list is currently 96 cards but you can assume there are an infinite amount of lands and the minimum card count should be 40.
Also here's a screenshot of the cards....
Thursday, July 31, 2008
GW Morselhoarder...again (it's fun!)
GW with Morselhoarder combo, again. SSS draft, result: draft won.
1 Ballynock Cohort
1 Raven's Run Dragoon
1 Turn to Mist
1 Resplendent Mentor
1 Armored Ascension
1 Mass Calcify
1 Mirrorweave
1 Kithkin Rabble
1 Silkbind Faerie
1 Wildslayer Elves
10 Plains
1 Seedcradle Witch
5 Forest
1 Wicker Warcrawler
1 Flourishing Defenses
2 Pili-Pala
2 Power of Fire
2 Mountain
1 Kitchen Finks
1 Somnomancer
1 Sinking Feeling
1 Morselhoarder
So this one is actually quite a bit worse than the last one, but I managed to take it all the way (and against some stiff competition too...). More importantly...It was fun. Once again the infinite possibilities are there (men, damage, and with the help of the wisps, infinite life) just waiting to pop out, but not disrupting the base of the deck too much. It's essentially a GW but with a more controlling type of game than my usual GW decks. My 2 drops were horrible in this thing, and I was a scared man. I did a lot of siding in of inquisitor's snare often actually for a pila-pila.
Match one was against a 1830's player playing mono green. His deck was pretty fast but also just laiden with fat at the end of the curve. He had the green intiate and loads of barkshell blessings, so combat was always a joy to anticipate. First game went on for quite a while, he hit me early, I stabilized, and eventually began cautiously hitting him with a pila pila supported by seedcradle witch for a few turns. He was down to like 10 when he attacked into me with a crabapple cohort...I had a bit of pressure, as he had his deus out for 2 turns now, and I'd been wisping it each turn. I ended up blocking his cohort with my finks, and seedwitched them he responded with the predictable barkshell, with conspire and support by the intiate on the cohort, I let the targets get assigned and on the stack, then, since I had flourishing defenses out...I cast mirrorweave at his wildslayer elves. I've never seen flourishing defenses trigger so many times, it was awesome. He scooped. Game 2 was over so was one green blurr. His deck worked effeciently and fast, just as it should, and I didn't have a very quick start. Token resistance, but it proved futile. Game 3 was a fair game, not too flashy, another game like the first, but without the crazy ending, just I begin hitting him, he stabilizes, he hits me some...then I mass calciify and win.
Match 2 was against a monored deck piloted by a guy in the low 1600's. We play 2 games, I win them both, but they were interesting exchanges. Both games basically were characterized by a struggle in the beginning followed by mass calcify for massive card advantage. The thing about mono-red, all those intiates really can set you up for a calcify pretty hardcore...because it encourages you to keep casting stuff. Still he was quick, and I had to do a lot of hard blocking (seedwitch takes one for the team early, that kind of stuff) to survive long enough to calicify. The warcrawler was a nice large man to hide behind.
Match 3 was against blue/white piloted by someone in the high 1700's. Game 1 I got an early faerie, then a morselhoarder, the cheered inwardly and waited for an opening (for him to tap out) before I went all combo. I got the opportunity by casting seedcradle witch, having it countered by repel intruders, and the casting sinking feeling and POF on the morselhoarder. He laughed, and let me play it out, it really didn't take too long to do all 17 points once you got a rhythm going.
Game 2 I just had a good opening, he didn't and he ended up scooping rather quickly.
So woot, last time I managed infinite men, this time I've managed infinite damage. Now I've got to get the life for the trifecta.
Until next time I'll be grabbing those 13th pick sinking feelings!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I attempt to go all tricksy hobbit...GW combo SSS Draft
SSS Draft Comboilicious GW, resulting in an elimination in the final round.
1 Mountain
1 Power of Fire
1 Resplendent Mentor
1 Island
1 Somnomancer
8 Plains
2 Morselhoarder
2 Safehold Sentry
1 Flourishing Defenses
7 Forest
1 Sinking Feeling
1 Prison Term
2 Rune-Cervin Rider
1 Safehold Elite
1 Heartmender
2 Turn to Mist
2 Thistledown Duo
2 Farhaven Elf
2 Niveous Wisps
Well I posted a while ago that I had been beaten by a deck utilizing a morselhoarder combo, so I kept it in the ole playbook waiting for an opportunity. It happened tonight, so I decided to post the deck, and how it ended up playing out. I had the capacity for infinite men, infinite damage, and infinite life in one draft I was kinda excited to see what I could pull off. Incidently toward the very end I had an agonizing choice...A second sinking feeling very late pick...OR inexplicably....the prison term. I went with the term...(actually upset at having to make the decision this late in the pick order!) since it's just too good to pass up, but it would have made the combo go off a bit more reliably had I had 2 morsels and 2 sinkings. But Prison term was not something to pass up, the deck should function without the combo too! Indeed the prison would save my butt several times.
Match 1: Armigilion 1831 Green/White. Okay, so this should be a good test. My opponent is clearly skilled. Let's go. First game I get off to a good UW type of start, the deck just does what a good UW deck does, I lay down a duo, get the Faerie out, and have a hand full of more UW happiness. He's laying down threats like no tomorrow, but mine all fly. I outrace him. Game 2 was a horse of a different colour. We each set down early drops and good ground defense. I dropped resplendant mentor and began gaining a lot of life for a protracted stall. He eventually got rid of the mentor, but by then I was at 45 life. He started to get the upperhand a little, having 2 shields making indestructable fliers of two of his men, but he was still very low on life by this point and had to play a bit defensively. I had difficulty closing the deal though. After a while of move and counter move I finished him with one of the versions of the combo, infinite men. Here's the screenshot...was kinda neat.
Match 2: Aurean 1604 Red/Black. First game he hit me early, I stablized and hit him back, and ended up using my morselhoarders the old fashioned way, for beats. Couldn't quit use them to finish had to rely on one damage a turn from my faerie for the last 3 points. Second game he lead in with 2 early drops and a power of fire used on his turn to off an elf of mine. I had gotten a mountain with my elf, because I had my of POF in hand, and returned the favour with a POF on my safehold, taking out the POF'ed guy, and eventually everything else. I pluncked a morsel hoarder to get the chunky beats in, and saved my POF sentry from a chain flinger/Fate transfer with a Turn to mist on his flinger in response. So far so good, this match a good example of the pieces of the various combos doing just fine on their own.
Match 3: mysteriogi 1817, playing UW. We had a real knock down drag out tempo battle game 1, move counter move, down to 1 turn. He won. Game 2 was similar, he just inched me out by a turn again. It was a fun couple of games.
Overall, it seemed really positive. I never felt like the combo was taking away from the deck, but I suppose the denfenses and sinking feeling had the potential to do that. Defenses though was pretty good in that deck anyway, and fit the whole stall until you combo plan. Having multiple plans though was really important and made it kinda fun to play. I really wanted to go off more than once, but alas it was not to be. I think if I had 2 sinking feelings I would have.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mono G

Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Eventide Excel Spreadsheet
Here's a link to easy to reference eventide spreadsheet...I have it pre-sorted by colour grouping, and within that by rarity. Hope someone finds it useful. Actually, I lie, it's first sorted by rarity then by colour grouping, so you can look at all the commons at once, etc...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
U/W For the Win!
I didn't get a photo of my deck because took a second screenshot before I saved the one of my cards =\ I had to take the other shot becuase all of my cards disappeared during the sideboard phase; so if i lost i would have something to report for my troubles.
Anyways, the deck was blue and white, with a liege, a silkbind faerie, a steal of godhead + 2x thistledown duo and 2x repel intruders, the u/w witch, 2x turn to mist and some filler cards. performed very very well, only losing one game in the entire draft. back to back repel intruders vs a 1850 rated player (redcap and b/r liege both countered!) led to his concession and my victory. Man I LOOOOOVE shadowmoor
I'm still under 1800 - my goal is to get up above it before the end of the summer =) not that ratings really matter, but it would be kinda cool to be in the "good player" range ;)
i've noticed the clan is kinda slow, with the lack of posting and stuff. makes me sad, but i realize we all have other obligations than magic :( what do you guys think of eventide? did anyone attend the prerelease? what are cards (commons especially) we should be looking for when we start drafting the set?