This was my very first experience with Eventide - I thought it looked amazing as I was drafting it. But alas, I was completely owned by a 1505 rated player.......He was running mono white with Muchos Removal and life gain and the black/white liege that kills my crap. I didn't win a single game. I still don't know enough about Eventide to give any advice, and any experiences you guys have so far would be greatly appreciated =)
Heh, i just realized the 4/4 green guy for 4 mana that blows up enchantments ----one of the big problems i had was a 3 mana pacifism that granted him one life during his upkeep - he had at least 3 of them in his deck - and i forgot to side him in. I think my deck was at least as good as his was, i was just lacking removal for his bombs (Spitemare and the b/w liege BOTH hit, BOTH games) white has a lot of solid removal*
Hey, It's been a while since I've had a chance to draft but i'm really into EEE so I've come back on. Here's my advice, first of all white (especially B/W) is amazing, it has the best mimic (nightsky) and very solid removal in recumbent bliss, fire at will and unmake.
I would rate the color pairings as follows
1) W/B (make sure to get lots of lifelink guys as many EEE games are tempo races and this helps hugely)
2) U/G (snakeform is insane, if you can get more than one copy i'd strongly suggest going into U/G [of course u can play it in a non U/G deck but then its favorite partner, shorcrasher mimic, goes down in value])
3) R/W (heavily underdrafted as of now, it has a lot of aggresive power especially with battle cleave and battlegate mimic[unfortunately one of the weaker mimics] this is a great fallback plan if u B/W deck isn't panning out [always keep ur options open its easy to do with hybrid cards and often pays off in the end])
4) U/R (clout of the dominus is surprisingly good because it prevents the 2-for-1 that the other auras are vulnerable too[it looks like one of the weaker aura's at first glance but trust me it is one of the better, if not the best, of the "god auras"]. Inside out is also quite good but is very situation specific, at least u can cycle it if it's looking like a dead card]
5) B/G (looks pretty potent at first glance but tends to be too slow)
Remember mimics and auras=amazing. Also the hatchlings are very good (especially U/B because it can shroud). Finally if you get a liege, just go those colors, that's all.
Please don't draft EEE :( it's a horrible swingy gambling format, it wasn't designed to be drafted by itself, and you can discuss all the tech you like, but you will continue to be blown out by 1400 rated played with 10 mimics...
I'm serious! Eventide was designed to be drafted with Shadowmoor, I want to see you guys back in the SSE queues!
While its true that EEE is explosive and unpredicatable because the mimics and hybrid auras were designed for 1/3 the amount of enemy hybrid cards, that doesn't mean it isn't a balanced format. It is just much more powerful than the standard draft format which means that choosing the right color combination and focusing on signalling is more important than ever. I will agree that there is a higher degree of variability in EEE games but a skilled player can still win the majority of the time. In fact, my only losses in EEE so far are to players rated 1800+.
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