Monday, May 26, 2008

Okay so, I have this obsession with Blue Black....

And here's one more blue black deck from me. It lost first round to a very good green white red deck with an excellent pilot. He had land search with wayfinders (at least two) and rampant growth, lots of red burn, and pacifisms and ghost wardens with the white. I liked his build a lot. Game two I managed to get rolling with my deck and managed a win but the last game I double mull'd into a one land hand which i kept cause of terror and counsel. I managed to get every land drop up until four but he still had me dead turn six thanks to the 4/3 hasting giant :( Losing first round is no fun.
As for my deck - it wasn't the best. I should have run green black and played fast critters with all of the kill and some fat critters to finish it up. All of the green I picked was hated when there was nothing left blue or black worth running, so I obviously passed quite a bit of good stuff while taking the blue :( Oh well, live and learn.

U/B deck takes me to finals

Here's another blue black deck (I know, i'm obsessed). Lost in final round to a very fast white red deck with pyroclasm AND cone of flame. First strikers with ghost warden in play are just good ^_^

Sunday, May 25, 2008

B/g Big Bombs deck

Well, I thought this deck would have been a lot of fun to play
I started G/R with first pick Troll Ascetic and second pick Orcish artillery - but red was dry in both directions fast. Instantly fast. I don't think I saw a single shock or incinerate all draft :(
Anyways, I started grabbing decent black cards and then ran into mortivore, and then evincar also - my two favorite black creatures in the same draft ^_^
Threw in a couple kill cards and a Commune with Nature to help find evincar or mortivore. Thought I had a pretty bomby deck. Well, it turns out nothing trumps the mana gods. Round one opponent was just under 1600 - but he got all of his land drops through turn five, and only two of my lands ever hit the board (kept a two land hand after one mull-didn't draw after that, died with only my scimitar in play). Game two I kept a four land hand, got to play a couple critters at least, but he had fliers and all I drew for the next six turns in a row were lands. land land land land land land. AHHHHH WELL

U/B Deck Sunday, May 25

Well, here she is:
Critters (13):
2x Ravenous Rats
Cloud Elemental
Looming Shade
Severed Legion
3x Highway Robbers
Aven Windreader
2x Mass of Ghouls
Ascendant Evincar
Spells (10):
2x Remove Soul
2x Terror
Councel of the Soratami
Soul Feast
Lands (17):
9x Swamp
8x Island
First Match was against a very good player, 1789 TimFu. He was running an efficient G/R deck. Game one he Wumpus'd in my Evincar which led to a fast victory. Game two he could have won possibly but I drew a terror to kill his stampeding wildabeasts and my severed legion was enough to finish him off. =)
Second Match --------- Never started. Modo shut down on me and when I logged back in it said I was dropped from the event *angry look* Now I'm waiting to hear for a refund so I can play again >.<
Overall I think it was a pretty good deck, enough kill and card draw to allow only 13 creatures. It wasn't the most amazing deck ever, but I'll take it =)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

1st Place: Mono Green

---20 Critters---
2x Llanowar Elves
2x Canopy Spider
Grizley Bears
Rushwood Dryad
Civic Wayfinder
2x Pincher Beatles
2x Rootwalla
Viridian Shaman
2x Giant Spider
2x Stalking Tiger
Stampeding Wildabeasts
Kavu Climber
2x Spined Wurm
---3 Spells---
2x Overrun
---17 Forests---
Round 1: Opponent ran R/W/B randomness - I easily found an overrun and won two games without having to worry about a third
Round 2: Washku is my opponent: 1797 rating. R/W aggro, lots of cheap efficiant critters. I lost one game to mana screw and won a different game very easily with good tempo and an overrun. Game three was VERY close - he had a 7/7 Bloodrock Cyclopse (Had two arcane teachings on it) and I was at two life - he pinged my dome instead of my llanowar elf and allowed me to overrun for exactly lethal damage =)
Round 3: Opponent was 1677, had a fast G/R deck. I get mana screwed for a loss game one, he gets mana screwed for a win game 2. My openning hand has Overrun game three and it goes on to win the match. Four packs won ^_^

XXX Draft UB: Serra's Karmic Revenge

XXX Draft UB, May 24, 2008, result: Elimination in finals.

1 Mind Rot
1 Aven Fisher
1 Essence Drain
2 Ravenous Rats
2 Gravedigger
1 Remove Soul
1 Dusk Imp
1 Phantom Warrior
1 Persuasion
2 Severed Legion
1 Spiketail Hatchling
9 Island
1 Spineless Thug
1 Leonin Scimitar
1 Mass of Ghouls
2 Boomerang
8 Swamp
2 Unsummon
1 Terror
1 Aven Windreader

1st match: Opponent was a bit inexperienced, playing a RW deck that didn't seem to get going. The GW deck played really well. Spiketail hatchling on turn 2 is really good, it happened both games and made a significant difference. Winning relatively fast gave me time between matches to post the last draft and get this one started.

2nd match: 1493, RG featuring kamahl. I mull into a barely passable hand with a lot of land. He hits me early as I put defense here and there. Kamahl finishes the deal. I win the next 2 without much trouble.

3rd match: deedubs, 1738 playing WB. Played 3 good games. However, I lost game 1 due to a misplay on my part. Simple not equipping an attacker with the sword for 1 turn when I should have would have won me the game and the draft as it turns out (he was at 1 when he won). Little things matter. Game 3 serra's embrace came back from my last draft to haunt me and I was pummeled in the end by a 7/5 vigilant, flying, juggernaut of fury and doom. Let that be a lesson: No topdeck glory goes without consequence!


GW robble robble aggro

XXX Draft, GW, May 24, 2008 result: Won draft.

1 Overrun
1 Treetop Bracers
1 Giant Spider
1 Craw Wurm
2 Rushwood Dryad
1 Stampeding Wildebeests
1 Civic Wayfinder
1 Ghost Warden
2 Pacifism
1 Spined Wurm
1 Bandage
1 Suntail Hawk
1 Giant Growth
1 Viridian Shaman
9 Forest
1 Aggressive Urge
1 Rootwalla
1 Pincher Beetles
1 Serra's Embrace
1 Llanowar Elves
8 Plains
1 Tundra Wolves
1 Skyshroud Ranger

First match was uneventful, my opponent was obviously quite new to the game. The deck worked as it should, and my opponent put up some resistance (it had a lot of random cheap creatures, which was a nice set of obstacles to run around, but he also attacked way too much).

The 2nd match was also against an inexperienced opponent, and I won fairly quickly and easily. I mean its fun to win by tempo and all, but I wanted to figure out if this actually had legs. I used my overrun on one game for the first time this tournament. (the bug i reported earlier did not occur)

The 3rd match was against 1750+ opponent, whose name I don't remember. This was a good test, he played well and had a nice deck. I was exceptionally fortunate that I won game 2, it was quite close and I truly did topdeck like a bastard for the win (serra's embrace was literally the only card that would have won me the game...and he had me next turn).

Overall, for only having used overrun twice...I thought it did quite well. I would have loved to snag a warrior's honor in drafting, it would have been very good in here, but I didn't. The numerous one drops really upped the ante on getting out a swarm reliably and fast. Like I said though, a bit more support for that theme in the form of warrior's honor would have been far more effective than some of the lesser tricks. Treetops and the embrace made excellent late game break through for the win cards. A tree-top on a craw wurm sure pokes through well for those final points sometimes and is worthwhile...IF you reliably hit hard and early for a good bit each game. I was fortunate though I didn't hit a foil deck to this kind of thing.

Here is my disgusting B/U Draft - It won. My highest rated opponent was about 1670, but regardless, I won the draft! wOOt! The deck isn't that amazing and if I were playing a fast red green opponent I would've been crushed. Onced it got rolling it was a house though. MVPs were Beacon of Unrest and terrors, unsummon saved me vs rhox also.
I really wanted to run the scimitar because I'm obsessed with it, but I didn't have many critters - only 12. I also wanted to run Boomerrangs because bounce is always nice. Any thoughts on the cards I ran would be appreciated - Thanks guys =)

Friday, May 23, 2008

XXX Draft GBrr with Draft Capture May 23, 2008

XXX Draft, GB"rr" May 23, 2008 result: Eliminated Round 2.

Draft Captured! To view the actual draft picks click here.

2 Terramorphic Expanse
2 Giant Spider
2 Phyrexian Rager
1 Kamahl, Pit Fighter
1 Tangle Spider
1 Deathmark
1 Joiner Adept
1 Severed Legion
1 Spined Wurm
1 Ravenous Rats
1 Recover
1 Rampant Growth
1 Giant Growth
1 Forest
1 Razormane Masticore
7 Forest
1 Rootwalla
1 Civic Wayfinder
1 Gravedigger
1 Kavu Climber
2 Grizzly Bears
1 Assassinate
1 Terror
2 Mountain
5 Swamp

Match 1: Arrguilesocks 1638 playing RBw. First game went fairly well, kept pumping out threats. Rinse, repeat. Deathmark out, zombie mob goes in. Game 2 went really well, and masticore raised its very, very ugly head. That guy is spicy.

Match 2: hirmus 1677 playing RU. First game he dominates from the get go with evasion and removal. I get my masticore out too late and he just bounces it. Deathmark out, imp goes in. 2nd game I manage to control things better, and end it with masticore. 3rd game is close, but he outraces me, I'm able to pump out Kamahl on time but can't get out of shock to the dome range. I lose with a damn fine pile of digital cardboard. On the up side, I'm able to sleep. Nice job hirmus, respect on the tight ru deck.

A draft capture...BG May 23, 2008

This draft went pretty poorly, but at least I managed to figure out how to capture the draft.

To see the draft click here.


Ugh. Worst RB ever, flames welcome!

XXX Draft, RB, May 23, 2008. Result: Eliminated first round.

1 Stun
1 Mind Rot
1 Spitting Earth
1 Plague Beetle
1 Recover
1 Contaminated Bond
1 Thundering Giant
1 Phyrexian Rager
2 Incinerate
1 Nekrataal
2 Severed Legion
1 Kamahl, Pit Fighter
1 Composite Golem
1 Anaba Bodyguard
1 Assassinate
1 Wall of Fire
1 Viashino Runner
1 Duct Crawler
8 Mountain
9 Swamp
1 Looming Shade
1 Scathe Zombies
1 Demolish

I don't remember much only that it only lasted 2 games. Basically, I was in red banking on red green, but really wasn't getting too much green, and then I had a few tasty black cards swing by late and jumped. Ended up way short on playables. I was in the wrong colours. I think I better start paying more attention to signals and such on the weekend. That was just painful.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

GR Draft May 22, 2008

XXX Draft RG, May 22, 2008 result: Eliminated in the finals.

3 Spitting Earth
1 Spined Wurm
1 Rampant Growth
1 Canopy Spider
1 Might Weaver
1 Rootwalla
1 Guerrilla Tactics
1 Shock
1 Overrun
1 Incinerate
8 Forest
1 Raging Goblin
2 Prodigal Pyromancer
2 Bloodrock Cyclops
1 Bloodfire Colossus
1 Viashino Runner
9 Mountain
1 Rock Badger
1 Uncontrollable Anger
2 Giant Spider

Match 1: Jon_Ma, 1705 GUb
Mulled on the draw. Nice and close first game, i think if I had played just a shade tighter 1 turn (I waited a turn to cast my collossus, wanting to have 9 so I could sac it right away in case he had removal also it would discourage an outright attack by him for an extra bit of damage...but i neglected to factor in that mirri he just cast had forestwalk. Derf. I might have been able to win it (would have been at i suppose 4 instead of 2, but i suppose that's still lethal to a rootwalla...still i would have hit him an extra turn with the yeah i blew it.) , but he played the better game and beat me after a close first game. It ended with an interesting play, I was at 2 after a colossus went off, and had cyclops hit him...he was able to get a rootwalla out with the mana to use it, i had overrun and guerilla tactics in play. So I cast overrun to see if he'd take the bait...i think he hemmed and hawwed, but in the end made the right decision. Game 2 mulled again, I hit him hard from the start, got him down to 10, kept him on the defensive until I was able to bring him to zero. Game 3 started with a nice hand, I brought in 3 threats, he brought out 3 removals. I managed to get him down eventually to around 12, and we stabilized a bit. The colossus changed things, i was able to keep attacking and he had to keep blocking poorly.

Match 2: 1600 WUbr Featuring: Blaze and Wrath of God. I'm not sure what the black was for aside from two unholy strengths i saw game 2 though. Kinda wild. We played two fairly quick games.

Match 3: LtDale, 1590. BW. Game 1 goes well, I hurt him early, and fill in the gaps at the end.
Game 2 starts, after a pause to welcome our newest clan member, sakic19. I stall out a bit and then use an overrun to clear out some of his creatures that are beginning to overtake board position (first strike ruining my cyclops' day)...and it seems to work well until he casts Reya Dawnbringer. What can I say, I wasn't expecting that. With loads of critters in his graveyard, including robber and a gravedigger, life is bad for someone with no removal on hand. Too bad, one of the many spitting earths would have done the trick. A game 3 in finals is always a good thing right? Game 3 he does very well keeping the graveyard recursion thing going and slathering on a lord of the pit. Big and Beefy wins the day.

I tried recording the draft with jing, but got caught up in the 5 minute limit. (only got as far as the first pack really) I can see I'll have to do it next time using the pause button a bit more. I'm gonna try to get a draft recorded and put up here at some point. If someone else can get a draft recorded and posted that would be terrific.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

XXX Draft, WU control May 21, 2008

WU Control XXX Draft, May 21, 2008  result:  Elimination in round 2.

2 Angelic Wall
1 Venerable Monk
1 Aven Cloudchaser
1 Mobilization
1 Ghost Warden
1 Pacifism
9 Island
2 Heart of Light
1 Sky Weaver
1 Wall of Air
1 Crafty Pathmage
1 Unsummon
1 Twitch
1 Cloud Elemental
1 Scalpelexis
1 Loxodon Mystic
1 Remove Soul
1 Aven Fisher
1 Spiketail Hatchling
8 Plains
1 Merfolk Looter
1 Beacon of Immortality
1 Skyhunter Prowler

1st match:  1493 with an RB deck featuring blaze.  We played two games, and I suffered 1 damage in 2 games due to a goblin fanatic that went nutty to my dome after falling in battle.  The walls and stall did its job, and he had very little defense against fliers.  Hoping to keep some of this pace into match 2.

2nd match:  The Dingo, 1776 (control UB).  We both mull first game, him once, me twice, i'm on the draw.    He controls the game well from the beginning, and I quickly die.  Oh, and I scapalexis him revealing a warhammer...sigh...can't wait for next game.  Ah yes, I mull to start again, this time just once.  His deck is a hurricane.  It's not just a hammer and cards, the thing just hums.  It controls the vertical.  It controls the horizontal.  He proceeds to go all hulk smash with the hammer, I manage to beacon to 30 at one point, but he's the one that ends the game with his life total above 35.  Thank you sir, may I have another.

WB May 21, 2008

WB Draft, May 21, 2008, result:  Eliminated in the finals.

Hey, I drafted 2 colours!

2 Loxodon Mystic
1 Wall of Swords
2 Gravedigger
2 Dusk Imp
1 Aura of Silence
1 Treasure Hunter
1 Phyrexian Rager
1 Ravenous Rats
1 Looming Shade
2 Steadfast Guard
1 Mind Stone
1 Severed Legion
1 Warrior's Honor
9 Plains
1 Ballista Squad
8 Swamp
2 Condemn
1 Pacifism
1 Venerable Monk
1 Terror

First round I won to some poor kid that didn't submit successfully.  So no real victory there.

This is the first draft I'm posting and playing at the same time.  I begin to write this in the considerable distance between round 1 and 2.   I suppose the deck is okay, but I'm not too zonked about it.  Wish I had committed to black a bit earlier.  I was orginally going WG with a possible blue or black splash, but green dried up.  Never fun when that happens.  Green is a bad colour to suddenly lose.  I'm worried this deck will lose gas late game.  We'll see.  As you can see I ran out of playables...or at least close enough to run aura of silence maindeck...which may not be horrible considering how I lost my last draft :)

2nd round opponent 1720 named Squest.  He had an unfortunate first game, I think he drew nearly every land in his deck, and we played a nice close 2nd game.  Squest then showed interest in the clan, and so we have our newest member!  Welcome Squest!

3rd round opponent, 1807, The_Anti_Body, .  First game went well, he showed some well placed removal and some impressive threats, including an icy.  I was glad of two things.  One, that I had played that aura of silence, and two, that I had drawn it immediately after the icy was played.  Ballista made long-lasting by 2 gravediggers saved the day in the end.  In the next game, i took some early damage and stabilized, but he lulled me in and I walked into it with a misplay that either cost me the game or made it happen a lot sooner.  Basically I used my ballista when I shouldn't have, ignoring the icy on the board that allowed him to hit me with a flyer he otherwise wouldn't have gotten through with.  Putting me in range of his beacon of destruction!  3rd game...i mull down to 5, not a great start...but then begin drawing a nice curve.  I ran out of gas quickly as he showed off solid play, a cone, and an answer to my pacifism.   He played better than me, with a better deck I'd say, and won.  It was a lot of fun, and he's a nice guy.

GBr Draft May 20, 2008

1 Overrun
1 Graveborn Muse
1 Terramorphic Expanse
2 Giant Spider
1 Phyrexian Rager
1 Mass of Ghouls
1 Arcane Teachings
2 Civic Wayfinder
2 Severed Legion
1 Aggressive Urge
1 Sylvan Basilisk
1 Llanowar Elves
1 Shock
8 Forest
1 Canopy Spider
1 Recover
1 Pincher Beetles
1 Looming Shade
1 Gravedigger
1 Grizzly Bears
1 Terror
1 Afflict
1 Mountain
7 Swamp

May 20, 2008  GBr XXX Draft  Result:  Eliminated in 2nd round.

I actually couldn't figure out how to best put together the last 4 or 5 cards of this thing.  I switched around a lot during the sides, usually taking out the aggressive urge for a shock or assasinate.  Here's the sideboard for your reference:

1 Assassinate
1 Mountain
1 Holy Day
1 Mountain
1 Crafty Pathmage
1 Stalking Tiger
1 Ghost Warden
1 Soul Warden
1 Bandage
1 Suntail Hawk
1 Plague Beetle
1 Raging Goblin
1 Shock
1 Swamp
1 Wall of Wood
1 Shimmering Wings
1 Serra's Embrace
1 Spirit Link
1 Reminisce
1 Aura Graft
1 Llanowar Sentinel

This is the draft I had the odd experience with the Overrun bug.  I still won that game (2nd match), but it was quite odd to choose damage between me and his creature.  He came back the next two games however to reveal a swackhammer, and proceeded to bludgeon me accordingly.   I had little in the side to put in against the hammer, so I just dove in and tried to work through it.  No dice.  It's okay, I was due.

I'm interested to hear how people would have built it differently with the pool I had.  I suspect some of you would have changed things.


Bug Draft May 15, 2008

XXX Bug Draft (result:  won the draft)  May 15, 2008

2 Terramorphic Expanse
1 Giant Spider
2 Phyrexian Rager
1 Unsummon
1 Deathmark
1 Severed Legion
2 Festering Goblin
1 Thieving Magpie
1 Essence Drain
1 Verdant Force
4 Forest
1 Recover
2 Civic Wayfinder
1 Looming Shade
1 Gravedigger
3 Island
1 Aven Fisher
1 Clone
1 Nightmare
1 Terror
2 Spineless Thug
8 Swamp
1 Dusk Imp

Again, a lot of card advantage.   I really like the curve, though the verdant force was a bit "forced" i suppose.  I figured I could get away with it with 2 expanses, 2 wayfinders and all the card draw.  Really, it wasn't that hard to get out.

Clone really is quite a lot of fun, particularly when its re-usable.

Not too much else to add.


Overrun trample bug

I don't know if it is tied specifically to Overrun, trample, or if it's just an odd bug that only happens from time to time...but yesterday I cast Overrun, swung, and every time one of my creatures was blocked, when choosing how to distribute damage I had a choice between the blocked creature....and...myself. Kinda took the fun out of it. I mean, it was still a one-sided wrath, but I shoulda killed him. Now I know trample doesn't always work like this, because I just got pummeled with the elephant swack hammer yesterday, and the trample worked just fine. I haven't used overrun for a while (despite it being in a recent deck...I never actually played it to the point where someone didn't just scoop), has anyone else noticed this? I was told it is a known of many.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hello fellow clan members

Hi guys, this is just a test post to make sure people other than Hatter can actually use the boards - and it looks like we can =)

I'll post some of my drafts this weekend, don't think I'll have enough time to draft much if at all before then.

Good luck to everyone else on their limited events =)

Gur Unpretty XXX Draft May 15th

1 Orcish Artillery
1 Mind Stone
1 Cone of Flame
1 Tidings
1 Elven Riders
1 Spined Wurm
1 Rampant Growth
1 Sky Weaver
2 Giant Growth
1 Might Weaver
1 Unsummon
1 Snapping Drake
9 Forest
1 Rootwalla
1 Civic Wayfinder
1 Civic Wayfinder
4 Island
1 Hunted Wumpus
2 Kavu Climber
2 Aven Fisher
1 Llanowar Elves
4 Mountain
1 Rushwood Dryad

(17 land)

Gur XXX Draft May 15th Result: Won Draft

This deck was pretty solid. Lots of card advantage, plenty of ways to get at the mana, even though both red cards were double red. They never had a problem with mana, that is to say however, I always had the RR available, funny thing was I don't think I ever really drew the red cards. The rest of the cards won the matches fine without cone of flame shananigans. Not too flashy, but played out okay. Shrug, still not a very pretty deck though.


Draft Posting May 19 2008 Hatter's Ugly GBr

1 Spined Wurm
2 Canopy Spider
1 Giant Growth
1 Rootwalla
1 Essence Drain
1 Ravenous Rats
2 Gravedigger
1 Recover
1 Civic Wayfinder
1 Tangle Spider
8 Forest
1 Kavu Climber
2 Severed Legion
1 Terramorphic Expanse
2 Llanowar Elves
2 Composite Golem
1 Avatar of Might
1 Overgrowth
1 Blaze
1 Mountain
7 Swamp
1 Giant Spider
(17 lands)
4-3-2-2 XXX draft, May 19, 2008. Result: Won draft.
The overgrowth was unimpressive. I'm not normally keen on the card, but thought I'd try it out (being so top heavy), but ended up removing it for an additional creature or naturalize every match on sideboard.
Composite Golem is really a great thing when you are splashing for Blaze. He fixes your red mana, and provides a mana battery for a large blaze that doubles as a 4/4. I'll take that over a craw wurm for the same price any day. 2 Might be overdoing it. I certainly think I was a bit top heavy this time around. I don't know, personally I thought this deck was fairly ugly. I seem to be drafting a lot of ugly decks lately. Avatar of Might never got out on the reduced cost, but I never had an issue getting him out. Once out, he was a house. I think it's important not to force him out too early, it's much more effective once your opponent has run out of gas. Severed Legions remain a favourite 3 drop, and they draw fire really well. Shrug, this really is a pile. I'm happy to have done well with it :)
I was definitely competing for black in the draft, and wasn't sure on the third colour until pack 3 (blaze, had been virtually nil to that point). I was considering splashing blue just for the cantrip fliers and maybe bounce, or whatever came down the pike third pack (had some early picks in this regard).

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Loading Draft Decks

Wondering how to load your draft decks?

Deck Editor --> Load --> C: --> Documents and Settings --> [Your User Name] --> Application Data --> Wizards of the Coast --> Magic Online --> 3.0 --> Decks --> Tournament Decks

If you're having difficulty posting on here besides the simple replies, let me know and I'll authorize your account to post. Just email me @

Other Stuff

If anyone is interested in picking up a game of Momir Basic sometime, just let me know if I'm online.

My supply of cards isn't too extensive, so I'm not really fielding any other format decks at the moment.  If you're into something, I might make the effort to put something together, but cheaper is better.  These days I usually just sell most of what I take from drafts off and feed the cycle.

Speaking of which, anyone have any advice for getting a good rate on selling draft rares/uncommons off?

Also:  Yes the zero packs won in the clan screen is some kind of bug.  It's okay, it's not like we're in major contention for the top any time soon.

Drafting Habits

I'm currently drafting 4-3-2-2 tenth drafts. I'm basically waiting for Shadowmoor before drafting "in block" as I'm very out of practice for Lorwyn, and it doesn't seem to be a particularly good time to be "breaking into" an unfamiliar format.

What is everyone else doing?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Statement of Purpose

This blog is for notes, gripes, plays, misplays, questions, answers, and observations related to limited play on Magic Online.  Specifically, as it relates to members of the clan Limited Understanding.

Please feel free to post, even with trivia.  Our clan is only as interesting as we make it.  In the end it's not about how many packs we win, it's about helping each other improve over time and enjoying ourselves while we are doing so.  To that end, please refrain from personal attacks and non-constructive comments.
