First Opponent: Played red, black, blue, and white. He beat me the first game because he had the mythic Prince of Thralls demon, and two heralds to look for it. He got it into play for free. He had 2 Blood Cultists, which were rediculous in play together. A Bull Cerodon was hard to beat, especially after Oblivion Ring removed my biggest creature, but my burn won in the end.
Second Opponent: Red, Black, and Green, but got mana screwed and conceded quicly both games. His best cards were Sprouting Thrinax, Branching Bolt, and Rhox Charger.
Third Opponent: Blue, White, and Green. He had a Bant deck, featuring Rafiq of Many, an indestructible 5/5, and a lot of creatures. We were 1:1 going into game 3, but yet again, burn won for me in the end.
This is an extremely fun set to draft, and I wish you all the best of luck. I hope to see more Shards posts for some new ideas!